Who am I?
I am Alicia. My main quality regarding this blog? I am passionate about History, Sciences Fiction and Fashion.
With one granny owner of a millinery shop and the other making her own wardrobe, it is surprising it took me so much time to discover sewing for real! Good news, being a seamstress is now fashionable again…
In real life, I moved out of Paris a couple of months ago to come and live under the Californian sun in San Francisco. I now work in PR by day and sew and blog by night. and I wear a mask doing so. Ok maybe not, but you get the idea.
English is not my mother tongue as I am sure you have guessed by now. So expect a fair share of weird french words, strange sentences and a bit of foreign swearing from time to time.

What is Marquise Electrique about?
A “Marquise” is the french equivalent of a Marchioness. “Electrique” well… you have guessed already I am sure! The idea is to be a bridge between the past and the future regarding sewing.
For example if you think history is for has beens, that paintings in museum are about boring dead people wearing weird clothes… I am here to try and change your mind!
In many ways, history has a great influence on today’s fashion. ‘Cause yes, Fashion and clothes making will be our main interest here. We will also look at the future don’t worry, by taking advantage of my new location as a San Franciscan.
Love to DIY? great! In addition to making you smarter, this blog also aims at helping you put your hand skills to good use: history hacks, sassy wedding accessories, art inspired jacket making, clever thrifting…
Sections of the blog
#DIY is all you need to know about clothes and fancy dressing making to avoid looking like this:
#WEDDING I love creating accessories or dresses for weddings, a section that will surely increase quickly with time!
#SEWING EXHIBITS will tell you about the latest exciting exhibitions regarding fashion around the world (mainly where I go, Paris, Los Angeles, San Francisco)
#VOYAGE is on the travels that inspire me the most to create new clothes
#SEWING FAILS will tell you about my most shameful projects, those where I failed miserably at succeeding. But we can still have a good laugh about it so why not?